Thank You!



How do I adequately thank you for your gift, sent to ensure that young cancer patients like Elsa are guaranteed loving palliative care at whatever stage of their cancer journey it may be needed.


            I thank you for sharing in the sadness of a young life that is likely to be cut short.


I thank you for believing in palliative care with the comfort and quality of life that it can bring, and for donating towards this specialised care.


I thank you for compassionately imagining and understanding the emotional suffering of Elsa’s family, and for giving them your anonymous support.


I thank you for this gift, and every other gift that you’ve given to keep our CANSA services available to all who need them.


And I applaud you for being someone who is with us at the heart of the daily fight against cancer.


Thank you.


Yours sincerely,

Elize Joubert

Chief Executive Officer