A glimpse of gratitude for your support of CANSA Care Homes


“I’d like to express my unmatched gratitude for accommodating me at the beautiful, safe and tranquil Tipuana Care Home.


“Because I’m currently unemployed and financially challenged I could never have afforded the daily cost of transport to and from the hospital for three weeks.  This assistance was critical to me during my radiation treatment.


“You made it possible, and I’ll be forever grateful.  May you be blessed in abundance and expand CANSA to greater heights.” 
(Lwazi Mathivha)

And from Frans who lives in Middelburg and was facing six weeks of travel to receive treatment:

“My doctor referred me to Tipuana, and I want to thank everyone in this home from home, filled with love, support and friends.


“Sister Roz has dreams of upgrading Tipuana, but with no State support, the cost is holding her back.  So much is needed, and there’s a list of the most urgent items on the web page, if anyone can help with even one item, it would be wonderful.”
