Andre, Chris and Henk share their thanks

Our Care Homes are a ’home away from home’ for cancer patients.

Andre Bossner and Henk Hills both resided at the CANSA Tipuana Care Home in Pretoria whilst undergoing cancer treatment.

Andre felt truly ‘at home’ even though he was away from his own home, and staff became his ‘family’. He and his wife are promising to visit every time they’re again in the area.

For Henk Hills, the staff and other patients at Tipuana became part of his healing process. He prays that other patients will have the same support.

Chris Hougard lives a seven hour drive away from Groote Schuur Hospital where he was to undergo treatment. And it was the CANSA Eikehof Care Home that became his base. The hugs, the support and the care made this crisis time so much easier, and enabled him to make lifelong friends.

It’s your support that keeps our Care Homes running. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
