Appreciation for Care Homes

From Lynette . . .

“I’m Lynette from the Western Cape. In 2017 I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer which had spread to my liver.  All my treatment was at Tygerberg Hospital, and a CANSA volunteer came to my home to give me support.  Then in 2020 the cancer came back and I had a further operation.  During treatment I stayed at the CANSA Care Home where the staff went out of their way to make me comfortable.   Thank you CANSA.”


And from Tercia . . .

“In 2018 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I said to myself, I can sit in a corner and have people feel sorry for me; I can be angry with the whole world; or I can fight.  One look at the faces of my two children, and I decided to fight. 


“After surgery came radiation and I was accommodated at the CANSA Care Home for the four to six days of each treatment.  It’s a place where one becomes part of a greater family.  And I can honestly say that the support, love and care I received there was a great help to my recovery.  Today I’m cancer free, a volunteer for CANSA, and deeply grateful.”  (Tercia)
