How your gifts help provide stoma support

Stoma – a Greek word meaning mouth or opening. In the medical field, a stoma is an artificial opening or passageway a surgeon makes into the digestive or urinary tracts for the purpose of eliminating waste from the body.

A stoma can be temporary or permanent after a colostomy, ileostomy or urostomy, and is a bag which has a deodorising filter to collect the waste matter.

Moving from normal bodily functions to a stoma can be a major adjustment for anyone and both initial ongoing advice and support are often required. The CANSA helpline and support groups can be a lifeline in these circumstances. We also stock stoma products at reduced prices.

Your donations to CANSA help in so many ways. Stoma support is just one of the ways, and for stoma patients who benefit from your kindness it’s a significant one.

Thank you for this special caring that your donations provide.

From J A and S F Pretorius: “We would like to convey our appreciation for the professional service and access to our stoma equipment.”

From Joyce: “I had the operation in June 2008, and have had the stoma since then. I’ve had excellent stoma service from CANSA, and there’s always somebody to help with questions and any problems that I might have.”
