Last words of thanks for help, support and awareness

From Babalwa Duda:

“I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was hopeless and in severe pain, I didn’t know what to do until I phoned the CANSA Help Desk number.  I’d like to thank the lady by name – Nandipha – who answered and immediately referred me for assistance.

“Within days I saw kind Professor Benn and helpful nurse, Zama, at Milpark Hospital and was then referred to Charlotte Maxeke Hospital where I quickly started chemotherapy.

“All I can say is thank you very much for your assistance. You listened and reassured me. I really appreciate it.”

From Maxie Lamprecht:

“Three and a half years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and Ciska took me and my family under her wing. It helped so much to have our worries and questions answered, and the way to a double mastectomy and chemotherapy smoothed.

“Today I’m in remission and so grateful to an angel on earth like Ciska from CANSA.”

To Abeda Steenkamp from the MNED Learning Support Induction:

“Our deepest gratitude for your impactful contribution to the success of our recent induction.

Your contribution to raising awareness about cancer was nothing short of inspirational.  The valuable insights you shared about an important cause resonated deeply with our teachers, leaving a lasting impression on everyone in attendance.

Thank you.”
