Thank you for making the world a brighter place

Every day, we want to sing your praises. In whatever way you support CANSA services, you make the world a kinder, gentler and more supportive place for people living with cancer. And let’s not forget their loved ones.

When you send off your donation, crochet a cuddly gift blanket, have your hair shaved or sprayed at a Shavathon, support cancer research, undertake a fundraising challenge, or simply offer your caring encouragement, you make a difference.

You allow us to spread awareness resulting in early detection. This saves lives. You’re behind all our information on offer.

When you help to sponsor a Broviac you make treatment easier for young patients. A Broviac is a one-time insertion of a port through which blood vessels can be accessed. This takes away the need for regular finger pricks and other needle procedures needed for tests and medication.

You may not know exactly who benefits from that difference, but you trust us to deliver it to where it’s needed most. This makes your trust another gift for which to thank you.

I can never say it enough times. At CANSA, we are the hands. You put the power and the tools into our hands. Starting with your generosity, everything else flows.

Whether you’re a contributing individual, a group, a business, or a sporting team, you are at the heart of what we do. Thank you, so much.
