Thank you – for the broviacs and stoma support

Many people have phobias. Often they don’t know what the cause is, but very often there’s a very real reason.

You’ll read Bobby Were’s story in this newsletter – his needle phobia came from childhood experiences. And he was helped through his treatment by means of a broviac.

Whilst Bobby’s story is that of an adult, we’re so grateful for your recent generosity in helping us to supply broviacs for children receiving cancer treatment at hospitals across the country.

It’s when you’ve experienced the hysteria and the trauma of a young child when they see another needle coming their way, that you understand the full impact of what a broviac can do.

Thank you.

You were also asked to help us support stoma patients. And again your understanding and kindness shone through, helping people to adjust and cope with the new way of life that a stoma brings. Thank you.

Living with, and surviving cancer is a tough journey. But it’s made easier when friends like you are a caring companion on that journey. Thank you.
