Thank you, thank you, thank you

The Festive Season may now be in the past but your caring generosity and the differences made by your donation in the spirit of giving is still very much present.

You were also joined in the spirit of the season by CANSA friends as well as cancer survivors.  On 16 December, Nabaweyah Heuwel from Athlone and her family visited the CANSA TLC rooms bringing a delicious lunch of chicken, rice and vegetables for our teenage patients, parents and adult cancer patients.  Each patient was presented with a survivor T-shirt which were immediately put on.

On the same day, the sister of the late Sanna Arries visited the Care Home, bringing breakfast and goodies for the children and teenagers.  But she didn’t forget the parents, bringing treats for them too.

On 24 December we had a Christmas lunch for patients, parents and nursing staff at Tygerberg Hospital complete with a beautifully decorated table.

But what is the holiday season for any child without toys?  Thanks to the amazing outpouring of generosity from everyone at The Farm, 90 children received the joy of a toy.  They ranged between dolls, cars, doctor and tool playsets and some educational toys.

For every child who didn’t feel alone – ‘bless you’.  Your kindness is still a reality in the children’s cancer wards – a comfort and an encouragement to patients, their families, and their dedicated caregivers.

Thank you.
