The letter V

The word starting with the letter V in the CANSA alphabet is most importantly our Volunteers.

They are the people who give their time, energy and willingness to take our training programme and then assist local communities to fight cancer.


Without our trained volunteers, CANSA would not be able to deliver the full level of quality emotional and practical services to cancer patients, their loved ones and caregivers, or educate people on how to lower personal cancer risk through health talks and exhibitions.


Volunteers also man our Information and Support Desks in hospitals, help with fundraising, marketing, administrative tasks, advocacy services and provide referral to any other services that may be needed.


We applaud our volunteers who we celebrate each year on 5 December (International Volunteers’ Day and ascribe to them some attributes in more words beginning with V.


    • They share our Vision for eventual Victory over cancer.
    • They help to make the work of CANSA Viable.
    • They are Visible in the community.
    • Valiant is an old-fashioned word, but it fits neatly on their motivation.
    • They are of great Value to CANSA and to those that they serve.
    • They Validate the goal of overcoming cancer.
    • They bring with them a Variety of individual gifts and talents.
    • We consider them to be Venerable, thus deserving of respect and applause.
    • Some of our long term volunteers could be called Veterans.
    • They bring Virtue, Vigour and Vigilance with them.
    • They’re regular Visitors in the lives of people living with cancer.
    • They’re able to be a Voice for those they serve.

Please support our volunteers in their work by clicking here to make your donation now.  And perhaps consider becoming a volunteer yourself by contacting Lisa Strydom at – your enquiry will be warmly welcomed.


CANSA Information and Support Desks which also help with referrals to support groups, Tele Counselling, Clinical Counselling and other services are now operating at:


    • Charlotte Maxeke Hospital (Johannesburg) – Gauteng
    • Steve Biko Hospital (Pretoria) – Gauteng
    • Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital (Durban) – KwaZulu Natal
    • Universitas Hospital (Bloemfontein) – Free state
    • Robert Sobukwe Hospital (Kimberley) – Northern Cape
    • And most recently Frere Hospital (East London) – Eastern Cape launched with a prostate awareness exhibition in support of Men’s Health Month.

Setting up these Information Desks is a costly exercise, but the need outweighs the cost.  Oncology patients at public hospitals often lack information about cancer and aren’t well equipped to cope with the disease physically or emotionally.


Any donations – made by clicking here – to maintain and increase the number of these Desks would be a wonderful act of generosity.  
