
The achievements of your donations over the 2022/2023 year

7 636 screenings with follow up referral when necessary. 2 589 of these screenings were Pap smears. 3 428 clinical breast examinations. 2 127 prostate bood tests. 120 skin examinations using the FotoFinder device. 7 602 people reached through direct interactive health promotion activities. 2 784 information leaflets distributed. 14 160 Help Desk responses to enquiries

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The letter V

  The word starting with the letter V in the CANSA alphabet is most importantly our Volunteers.  They are the people who give their time, energy and willingness to take our training programme and then assist local communities to fight cancer.   Without our trained volunteers, CANSA would not be able to deliver the full

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The heat is on

Summer is here, with several hot months still ahead of us. As we enjoy our abundant sunshine, it’s easy to forget about protecting ourselves from the damaging UV aspect of the sun’s rays which are escalating with climate warming and air pollution from the burning of fossil fuels. Sunburn and long periods of exposure to

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Life with a stoma – support is at hand

Suddenly confronting life with a stoma can be bewildering, foreign territory for cancer survivors. Where to get the products and accessories needed?  How to maintain the stoma for health and hygiene?  Grappling with the emotional and physical differences that a stoma makes to daily life.  All of these questions can be answered by contacting CANSA’s stoma clinics. During

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A glimpse of gratitude for your support of CANSA Care Homes

  “I’d like to express my unmatched gratitude for accommodating me at the beautiful, safe and tranquil Tipuana Care Home.   “Because I’m currently unemployed and financially challenged I could never have afforded the daily cost of transport to and from the hospital for three weeks.  This assistance was critical to me during my radiation treatment.

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